
Rediscovered in Catalonia (North-eastern Iberian Peninsula) a population of Spirodela polyrhiza (Araceae)


L’estiu del 2012 es van detectar al darrer tram de l’Ebre diversos poblaments de Spirodela polyrhiza (L. ) Schleid. Aquestes localitats representen el retrobament en gran quantitat d’una espècie de flora que fins fa molt poc es considerava extingida al territori català i que mai no havia estat indicada a la conca de l’Ebre. La descoberta d’aquests nous poblaments és, tant per la seua freqüència com per la seua abundància, una novetat remarcable en el context català i ibèric.In the summer of 2012 several subpopulations of Spirodela polyrhiza (L. ) Schleid. were detected in the last section of the Ebro river. These populations represent the rediscovery, in large quantities, of a species of flora believed until recently to be extinct throughout Catalonia and never noticed before in the Ebro basin. The finding of these new populations is, both for its frequency and its abundance, noteworthy within the Catalan and Iberian context

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