For a stationary ergodic source, the source coding theorem and its converse imply that the optimal performance theoretically achievable by a fixed-rate or variable-rate block quantizer is equal to the distortion-rate function, which is defined as the infimum of an expected distortion subject to a mutual information constraint. For a stationary nonergodic source, however, the. Distortion-rate function cannot in general be achieved arbitrarily closely by a fixed-rate block code. We show, though, that for any stationary nonergodic source with a Polish alphabet, the distortion-rate function can be achieved arbitrarily closely by a variable-rate block code. We also show that the distortion-rate function of a stationary nonergodic source has a decomposition as the average of the distortion-rate functions of the source's stationary ergodic components, where the average is taken over points on the component distortion-rate functions having the same slope. These results extend previously known results for finite alphabets