In a preceding article [1], we have brought forward evidence that in "hot spark" spectra the strongest lines generally correspond to atoms from which the valence electrons have all been stripped off, so that the resulting spectrum is hydrogen-like, i.e., is due to one single electron moving between the series of levels characteristic of a simple nucleus-electron system.
For such a nucleus-electron system the Bohr theory in its elementary form [2] which dealt only with circular orbits, i.e., with variations in azimuthal quantum numbers, the radial being always zero, yielded at once the result that the energies corresponding to a given quantum state, e.g., quantum number 1, increased in the ratio 1, 4, 9, 16, etc., as the nuclear charged increased in the ratio 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. This meant physically that the frequencies corresponding to jumps from infinity to an orbit of given quantum number, technically called term-values, when divided by the square of the nuclear charge should come out a constant; otherwise stated that the constant term in the Rydberg formula should become N, 4N, 9N, 16N