
Detection of Surface Water with Spot/Vegetation. Monitoring and Assessing CILSS Countries Surface Water Availability


The detection of surface water with Spot/VEGETATION, at 1km resolution, is done every 10-days. The quality of the detection in arid and semi-arid regions in western Africa, and the regular time step of the observations, allow monitoring the surface water availability. The seasonal surface water can be mapped and its date of avail-ability is known. From this information, some indicators were generated for assessing the relative amount of re-plenishment and delays in availability between two years. The overall information, detections and dates assessments based on Spot/VEGETATION is broadcasted every 10-days to African users thanks to the EumetCAST system. The processing of the water availability indicators, such as those demonstrated in this document, can thus be implemented at the user level.JRC.H.3-Global environement monitorin

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