Visualizing Cultures


Extensive reading and discussion of how visual images impose a variety of identities on individuals and societies. Case studies drawn primarily from the Pacific region, and include: identities of individuals in a society; identities of a country through history; us/them in times of war; and identities of an entire geographic region of the world (Orient/Occident). All types of visual images from both popular and high cultures are discussed. Students develop a course project. Taught in English. From the course home page: Course Description In this new course, students will study how images have been used to shape the identity of peoples and cultures. A prototype digital project looking at American and Japanese graphics depicting the opening of Japan to the outside world in the 1850s will be used as a case study to introduce the conceptual and practical issues involved in “visualizing cultures.” The major course requirement will be creation and presentation of a project involving visualized cultures

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