Nématodes abyssaux (campagne Walda du N/O <i>Jean Charcot</i>): VI. Le genre <i>Acantholaimus</i>: espèces nouvelles et étude de l'appareil reproducteur à spermatozoïdes géants
Three new species of the genus Acantholaimus are described from deep-sea South- East Atlantic oozes (Walvis ridge, depth from 2 063 to 4 308 m) : A. microdontus n. sp., A. macramphis n. sp., and A. longistriatus n. sp. Within the genus, the reproductive apparatus displays a noticeable uniformity coupled with a very unusual male reproductive system producing a small number of giant spermatozoa, of which only two were found in each inseminated female. Four additional species studied from the same sites display the same reproductive pattern : A. quintus, A. septimus, A. maks and A. iubilus ( G E R L A C H et al., 1979). The same phenomenon has also been found in a littoral species (at most four spermatozoa in the inseminated female)