The Contribution of CO2 Capture and Storage to a Sustainable Energy System


This report addresses the prospects of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technologies in the power sector. Based on the results of 10 advanced energy models, it provides an overview of the results of the scenarios analysed in the CASCADE MINTS project. Three policy approaches are compared in order to address the question how to achieve significant CO2 emission reductions through the application of CCS technologies. The analysis shows that CCS can provide an important contribution to mitigating climate change. Up to 30% of global CO2 emissions could be captured in 2050, while for Europe, due to a more limited growth of the power sector than in some other world regions, this would amount to some 22% of total CO2 emissions. The CCS policies not only induce the large-scale introduction of CCS systems in the electricity sector, but they also accelerate the penetration of renewable energy sources and nuclear. Policies that provide flexibility, for instance through emission trading, are more cost-effective than those obliging CCS to be installed with all new fossil power plants. Therefore, it is recommended to employ mixes of the different CO2 emission reduction options available, also depending on regional circumstances. The uncertainties, particularly in storage capacities, are large. Using conservative estimates in line with the IPCC Special Report, the CASCADE MINTS project arrives at the conclusion that the availability of storage capacity does not impose limits to the amount of CO2 stored in the time frame to 2050. Being a new technology, the actual deployment of CCS will also depend on public perception and on how legal and regulatory aspects related to risks and liabilities are addressed

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