
Pathology of mixed infections of saprolegniasis-myxosporidiosis in Indian major carp (Catla catla Ham.)


An outbreak of saprolegniasis in Catla catla in composite carp culture ponds were recorded during winter season. The typical cotton wool growths were observed on whole body surfaces of catla along with sporadic mortality. The fungal invasion was only restricted to skin and no fungal elements were visible in any internal organs after periodic acid schiff staining. On histology, periportal accumulation of mononuclear cells in liver, presence of myxosporidean cysts in antieror kidney, eosinophilic granular cells reaction in submucosa of stomach and intestine, dilated and engorged blood vessels of brain along with sloughing of epidermis and hyperplasia at gill lamellar base were pronounced changes. The possible role of release of Saprolegnia toxin in producing internal organs pathology has been discussed

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