Progdi Ilmu Ekonomi Pembangunan UPN "Veteran" Jatim
Studies using this secondary data with the period of time four years (2007-2010), where the data is taken from Bank Indonesia. For the analysis of the data using a tool with a computer using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) version 13.0. Analysis of the filter used in this research is Regresi linear hypothesis and test filter is used t test and F test statistics Based on the results of the analysis and strewn hypothesis prompted Simult free variables, the Investing Policy ratio (X1), Loan To Deposit ratio (X2), active productive problem (X3) and Non Performing Loan (X4) significant variables to be bound by Capital ratio adequency Same Bank the private National in Surabaya (Y) with the results Fhitung CPA = 4.594> Ftabel = 3,48. Whereas strewn in one partial Investing Policy ratio (X1), no effect on adequency Capital ratio (Y) were private banks in the national count of Surabaya t = 0.574 t table = 1.812, the variable active productive problem (X3) effect on adequency Capital ratio (Y) were private banks in the national Surabaya t = -2.270 count> t table = 2.228 and non-performing loan (X4) have a significant influence on the filter adequency Capital ratio (Y) were private banks in the national count of Surabaya t = 2.754> t table = 2.228. Four independent variables X1, X2, X3, X4, then the variable most dominant effect for the variable Y is the variable X4 with R2 values of 0.431 or 43.1%