
A Catalyst for Connections: A Collaborative Strategic Planning Process


A revamped inclusive strategic planning process in the University Library System (ULS) has created two kinds of connections. It has created new connections in the library system and new partnerships with the university. In a yearly cycle, the Planning and Budget Committee (PBC) thinks about and creates strategic direction for the library system by gathering input from all library staff in a variety of ways. In the words of one PBC member: “What I love most about PBC is that everyone in the ULS has a voice. And there's a process that moves from highlighting lots of individual thoughts to discovering collective concerns.” These collective concerns strive to create strategic vision for partnerships outside of the library. A main benefit of the reinvigorated planning process has been the creation of connections between staff in a very large, distributed library environment. In the words of another PBC member, these connections are “fostering relationships across the organization that otherwise would have been a real challenge. PBC alumni take away friendships with people from across the ULS, and those friendships help us all build bridges for collaboration moving forward.” Two chairs of the PBC will present their findings of connectivity in this planning process and how you can apply it in your own settings

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