Enabling factors of green entrepreneurship: A case stady of organic agriculture produce in the Sindh and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan


Ovaj rad istražuje faktore koji omogućuju ekološko poduzetništvo na primjeru organskog uzgoja u pakistanskim pokrajinama Sindh i Balochistan. Istraživanje je provedeno među poduzetnicima koji se već bave ekološkim poduzetništvom te onima koji će se njime možda baviti. Velika većina poduzetnika su se složili da će prihvatiti metode organskog uzgoja te žele dobiti potrebne upute, znanje i vještine. Što se tiče zaštite okoliša, više od polovice ispitanika je bilo umjereno zabrinuto zbog klimatskih promjena, a njih 44% je bilo jako zabrinuto zbog tih promjena te su bili spremni preći na organski uzgoj. Neorganska gnojiva su utjecala na uzgajivače u društvenom i ekonomskom smislu te u smislu zaštite okoliša. Zbog svega navedenog, najveći broj ispitanika je izrazio spremnost na ulaganje u organski uzgoj. Štoviše, rezultati su također uputili na važnost stabilnog tržišta organskog uzgoja, dobrih cijena i poboljšanih uvjeta proizvodnje kao ključnih faktora ekološkog poduzetništva u objema pokrajinamaThis study investigates enabling factors of green entrepreneurship by referring the farming of organic agriculture production in Sindh and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. A household survey questionnaire was carried out from the green and potential green entrepreneurs. The outcomes identified that a significant majority of potential green and a convincing proportion was green entrepreneurs invested in organic agriculture produce. A significant proportion of entrepreneurs highly agreed to adopt organic farming methods subject to be provided with required inputs, knowledge and skills. In the environmental context, more than half of the respondents moderately and (44%) were highly concerned regarding environmental changes to convert their current farming into organic. For instance, inorganic fertilizer seemed to have affected the farmers in all context i.e., social, economic and environmental (discussed in paper).Consequently, the highest proportion of respondents seemed attractive to apply and invest in organic methods of farming. Moreover, results also identified importance of reliable organic markets, price premiums and improved production conditions as key enablers of green entrepreneurship in both provinces and its expansion

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