Navarivanje pod prahom s višežičanom elektrodom


Submerged arc surfacing with a multiple-wire electrode is a new process variant which has been rarely used, in spite of its numerous advantages in comparison to other processes, in practical applications. The unit for surfacing with the multiple - electrode differs little from a classic unit for submerged arc welding with a single-wire electrode. The difference between them consists in that in our unit several wires travel through a joint contact tube simultaneously. All of the wires are fed with the same rate and have a joint regulation and power source. In welding with the multiple-wire electrode it is possible to weld with two, three, four or even more wires simultaneously. In the joint contact tube wires of different diameters and different chemical composition and solid or flux-cored wires may be used. Mechanical properties of surfacing welds depend on the type the parent metal and the filler material, welding parameters and the type of welding flux used.Navarivanje s višežičanom elektrodom pod prahom novi je postupak koji se, usprkos brojnim prednostima pred ostalim postupcima, još uvijek ne upotrebljava u praksi. Naprava za zavarivanje s višežičanom elektrodom suštinski se ne razlikuje od klasične naprave za zavarivanje sa samo jednom žicom. Razlika je samo da pri novoj napravi kroz kontaktnu mlaznicu istovremeno putuje više žica. Sve žice imaju istu brzinu, zajedničko podešavanje i samo jedan izvor električne struje. Pri zavarivanja sa višežičanom elektrodom moguće je upotrijebiti dvije, tri, četiri ili čak i više žica istodobnno. Kroz kontaktnu mlaznicu mogu prolaziti žice različitih promjera, kemijskog sastava, moguće je upotrijebiti masivne ili punjene žice. Mehanička svojstva navarenog sloja ovise od vrste osnovnog i dodatnog materiala, parametara zavarivanja i vrste zaštitnog praha

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