
Apatite Control of Choncritic Actinide Chemistry?


The solar system Th/U is regarded as about 3.7, and ratios close to this are directly measured in a wide variety of planetary materials. Consequently, given that chondritic composition is regarded as solar for refractory lithophile elements, it is surprising that some ordinary chondrites show high ratios (6-6.5). We set out to understand the origin and implications of these anomalies, first by establishing that we had samples of the anomalous material using high accuracy isotope dilution, ICPMS measurements ofTh/U. Our three samples of Glatton (L6) were not anomalous (Th/U from 3.71 to 3.84), but for 12, typically gram-sized, samples of Harleton (L6) we find a range of Th/U from 2.5 to 6, a greater range of Th/U in one meteorite than in all previous ordinary chondrite analyses. Moreover, Fig. 1 shows (l) the Th/U variations linearly correlate with 11 U, suggesting two component mixing; (2) other literature analyses follow the Harleton trend

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