Determination of reservoir properties through the use of computed X-ray microtomography – eolian sandstone examples


Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 246-248.The possibility of examining rock pore structure by the means of computed X-ray microtomography was presented. Parameters characterizing the pore structure, such as: porosity and coefficient of homogeneity of pore structure by local porosity examination, box counting dimension, mean chord length, normalized Euler number, as well as coordination number were all determined through pore structure image analyses. Complementary methods, such as helium pycnometry, mercury injection capillary pressure and NMR were used to determine the porosity along with other factors to make the comparison and determine mutual relationships between petrophysical properties obtained from various sources. The study covered the Rotliegend sandstones of eolian origin. Laboratory investigation of the reservoir properties was focused on three areas, according to their geological regions, where the Rotliegend sediments showed changeability in geological features and reservoir properties. Computed X-ray microtomography showed differentiation between the investigated areas, with respect to their pore structure and porosity development. This differentiation was confirmed by means of other applied laboratory methods.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: computed X-ray microtomography reservoir rocks, petrophysical properties, Rotliegend sandstones

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