Three-dimensional and numerical modelling - tools for assessing mineral resource potential under cover


The northern Drummond and Bowen basins region represents one of Australia's most prospective areas for epithermal vein and stockwork style gold deposits, with both low and high sulfidation epithermal mineralisation known in the region (refer Table 1). 3D~GIS reconstructions, numerical\ud and probabilistic modelling (UDEC, FLAC 3D and WofE) are used here to develop a better understanding of the controls operating on the mineral systems of the region and are aimed at enhancing predictive capabilities. The study region covers the northern Late Devonian-early Carboniferous Drummond and northwestern Permian-Triassic Bowen basins, an area of approximately 90 000 km2. It is bounded to the north by the Cambrian - Ordovician Thalanga and Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Cape River Provinces and to the east the Connors Arch (Carboniferous) and northern Yarrol Province. The Drummond Basin is unconformably overlain by the Permo-Triassic Galilee Basin on the west (Figure 1). The\ud Millaroo Fault, which separates the northern Drummond and Bowen basins, has been interpreted as the contact between the underlying Thomson and New England Orogens (Champion, Bultitude, Mathews, in prep). Tectonic interpretations for the region are speculative. The Thomson Fold Belt is\ud considered to have formed during the Precambrian or early Palaeozoic as a rifted continental margin adjacent to a Precambrian craton located to the west and north. In the late Silurian to Middle Devonian, an island arc system developed to the south-east that represented the early stage of the New England Fold Belt, which took on the character of an Andean style continental margin by the latest Devonian (Murray, 2007)

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