Simulation of Manipulator Deployment and Satellite Capturing Dynamics


Capturing of a non-cooperative, free-floating target satellite in geostationary orbit by means of a robotic-based servicing satellite system is an extremely challenging task involving complex operational mission manoeuvers such as sensor-based rendezvousing, visual inspection, final approach, capturing and stabilization. Intensive simulations of the dynamic interactions between all parts of the complete system, i.e. chaser and target satellite and a flexible manipuator system in between of both, are therfore required in order toevaluate the final approach phase and the capturing strategies and to design the attitude control system (ACS) of the chaser satellite. A multibody system dynamics simulation tool with O(n) formalism including flexible dynamic influences has been used for these tasks. The off- line simulationsproved successfully for supporting efficiiently the ACS design

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