Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Sacred Waters Film


The debate to designate a National Marine Sanctuary off the Central Coast of California has been alive for nearly 30 years. With a recent move by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to nominate the stretch of water as a sanctuary the issue has become one of great concern to local stakeholders. With concern for additional bureaucracy and regulation that could negatively impact the local economy people choose to stand in opposition. Yet many that are concerned for the future of the region\u27s waters want the protections from offshore oil drilling and other harmful practices that a Sanctuary would provide and therefore are supportive of designation. The film aims to tell the stories and share perspectives of the main stakeholders to give the region at large an understanding of the issue so they can take a stance rooted in their own values. The project covers strategy for social media promotion, crowdfunding, and final distribution of Sacred Waters Film

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