The Cal Poly Human Powered Vehicle Club is building a bike to surpass 61.3 mph in 2019. The club and their mentor, George Leone, have proposed a senior project to design, build, and test the drivetrain for this year’s human powered vehicle. Research into human powered vehicles and their drivetrains has shown that the power that a rider can output and the efficiency at which the rider can pedal depend extensively on the design of the drivetrain. Despite the existence of standard bicycle drivetrain designs, the senior project team has found that the best design to meet the club’s requirements is a completely custom drivetrain based on the rider’s dimensions and preferences. The team defined a list of technical specifications that they used to validate the completed final prototype. The final confirmation prototype functioned as intended and all of the specifications were met with the exception of total cost. Details of the team’s design, manufacturing, and testing processes are outlined in this document