
The New EU Strategy for Central Asia: A Case for Cultural Diplomacy. IES Policy Brief No. 6, April 2018 Issue


In June 2017, on the tenth anniversary of the first Central Asia Strategy, the Council of the European Union invited High Representative Federica Mogherini and the European Commission (EC) to draw a proposal for a new Strategy by late 2019. The Council's decision provides a pivotal opportunity to review the significant shortcomings of the previous Strategy and to assess the evolving regional environment, in which Russia and China have consolidated their influence. By presenting four possible strategies for future EU engagement, this policy brief argues that rather than increasing or reducing ‘hard’ commitments or keeping the same agenda, the new Strategy should enhance EU cultural diplomacy in the region. In line with the increased emphasis on the role of culture in European external action, EU cultural diplomacy should meet local citizenry’s aspirations and demands, and give Brussels a comparative advantage over other regional powers

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