Nicholas Negroponte, the MIT Media Labs 'onlie begeter' and one of digital techonologies most
persuasive salespersons, has a new project. With undeniable logic and unimpreachable intentions he
wishes every Third World child to be given a laptop. His reasoning is that without education, all other
attempts at development are doomed to fail and that since education can be accomplished by computers,
the way to make good its grievous failings in the South is with computers. He has therefore developed
an elegant device of considerable sophistication but great ease of use – a brightly-coloured, plasticencased
clockwork-powered computer which costs (or rather, he promises, will cost) around 100.Thiscontrivence,atoyinappearancebutaseriousmachineinoperation,iswhatheintendstogiveawayinmillionsand,accordingtohisownpublicity,hehasalreadyapparentlyhadgreatsuccessbothinpersuadingSoutherngovernments–Rwanda,Libya,Uraguay–andmanufacturers–QuantaComputers−−tobackhisscheme.Negroponte′swebsiteissomewhatcoyabouthowmuchmoneytheinitiativewillinvolvebutthebudgetisclearlyintheorderofbillions:twobillionchildreninthedevelopingworldx100
a machine. Seed money alone -- from the likes of eBay, Google and Norstar, all at 2millioneach−−wouldseemtoexceed12 million