
LHC searches for heavy neutral Higgs bosons with a top jet substructure analysis


We study the LHC searches for the heavy CPCP-odd Higgs boson AA and CPCP-even Higgs boson HH in the context of general two-Higgs-doublet model. Specifically, we consider the decay mode of A/H→ttˉA/H\to t \bar t through the bbˉb \bar b or ttˉt \bar t associated production channels. In the so-called "alignment limit" of the two-Higgs-doublet model, this decay mode can be the most dominant one. By employing the HEPTopTagger and the multi-variable-analysis method, we present the search sensitivities for both CPCP-odd Higgs boson AA and CPCP-even Higgs boson HH via these channels at the high-luminosity LHC runs.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; v2: matches the published versio

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