Accumulating evidence indicates that the capacity to integrate information in
the brain is a prerequisite for consciousness. Integrated Information Theory
(IIT) of consciousness provides a mathematical approach to quantifying the
information integrated in a system, called integrated information, Φ.
Integrated information is defined theoretically as the amount of information a
system generates as a whole, above and beyond the sum of the amount of
information its parts independently generate. IIT predicts that the amount of
integrated information in the brain should reflect levels of consciousness.
Empirical evaluation of this theory requires computing integrated information
from neural data acquired from experiments, although difficulties with using
the original measure Φ precludes such computations. Although some
practical measures have been previously proposed, we found that these measures
fail to satisfy the theoretical requirements as a measure of integrated
information. Measures of integrated information should satisfy the lower and
upper bounds as follows: The lower bound of integrated information should be 0
when the system does not generate information (no information) or when the
system comprises independent parts (no integration). The upper bound of
integrated information is the amount of information generated by the whole
system and is realized when the amount of information generated independently
by its parts equals to 0. Here we derive the novel practical measure Φ∗
by introducing a concept of mismatched decoding developed from information
theory. We show that Φ∗ is properly bounded from below and above, as
required, as a measure of integrated information. We derive the analytical
expression Φ∗ under the Gaussian assumption, which makes it readily
applicable to experimental data