In 1980 and 1981, two pioneering papers laid the foundation for what became
known as nonlinear time-series analysis: the analysis of observed
data---typically univariate---via dynamical systems theory. Based on the
concept of state-space reconstruction, this set of methods allows us to compute
characteristic quantities such as Lyapunov exponents and fractal dimensions, to
predict the future course of the time series, and even to reconstruct the
equations of motion in some cases. In practice, however, there are a number of
issues that restrict the power of this approach: whether the signal accurately
and thoroughly samples the dynamics, for instance, and whether it contains
noise. Moreover, the numerical algorithms that we use to instantiate these
ideas are not perfect; they involve approximations, scale parameters, and
finite-precision arithmetic, among other things. Even so, nonlinear time-series
analysis has been used to great advantage on thousands of real and synthetic
data sets from a wide variety of systems ranging from roulette wheels to lasers
to the human heart. Even in cases where the data do not meet the mathematical
or algorithmic requirements to assure full topological conjugacy, the results
of nonlinear time-series analysis can be helpful in understanding,
characterizing, and predicting dynamical systems