We present a survey of star clusters in the halo of IC 10, a starburst galaxy
in the Local Group based on Subaru R band images and NOAO Local Group Survey
UBVRI images. We find five new star clusters. All these star clusters are
located far from the center of IC 10, while previously known star clusters are
mostly in the main body. Interestingly the distribution of these star clusters
shows an asymmetrical structure elongated along the east and south-west
direction. We derive UBVRI photometry of 66 star clusters including these new
star clusters as well as previously known star clusters. Ages of the star
clusters are estimated from the comparison of their UBVRI spectral energy
distribution with the simple stellar population models. We find that the star
clusters in the halo are all older than 1 Gyr, while those in the main body
have various ages from very young (several Myr) to old (>1 Gyr). The young
clusters (<10 Myr) are mostly located in the H{\alpha} emission regions and are
concentrated on a small region at 2' in the south-east direction from the
galaxy center, while the old clusters are distributed in a wider area than the
disk. Intermediate-age clusters (~100 Myr) are found in two groups. One is
close to the location of the young clusters and the other is at ~4' from the
location of the young clusters. The latter may be related with past merger or
tidal interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap