Recently, extended phase space thermodynamics of Lovelock AdS black holes has
been of great interest. To provide insight from a different perspective and
gain a unified phase transition picture, non-extended phase space
thermodynamics of (n+1)-dimensional charged topological Lovelock AdS black
holes is investigated detailedly in the grand canonical ensemble. Specifically,
the specific heat at constant electric potential is calculated and phase
transition in the grand canonical ensemble is discussed. To probe the impact of
the various parameters, we utilize the control variate method and solve the
phase transition condition equation numerically for the case k=1,−1. There
are two critical points for the case n=6,k=1 while there is only one for
other cases. For k=0, there exists no phase transition point. To figure out
the nature of phase transition in the grand canonical ensemble, we carry out an
analytic check of the analog form of Ehrenfest equations proposed by Banerjee
et al. It is shown that Lovelock AdS black holes in the grand canonical
ensemble undergo a second order phase transition. To examine the phase
structure in the grand canonical ensemble, we utilize the thermodynamic
geometry method and calculate both the Weinhold metric and Ruppeiner metric. It
is shown that for both analytic and graphical results that the divergence
structure of the Ruppeiner scalar curvature coincides with that of the specific
heat. Our research provides one more example that Ruppeiner metric serves as a
wonderful tool to probe the phase structures of black holes