
Single-spin asymmetries in the leptoproduction of transversely polarized Λ\Lambda hyperons


We analyze single-spin asymmetries (SSAs) in the leptoproduction of transversely polarized Λ\Lambda hyperons within the collinear twist-3 formalism. We calculate both the distribution and fragmentation terms in two different gauges (lightcone and Feynman) and show that the results are identical. This is the first time that the fragmentation piece has been analyzed for transversely polarized hadron production within the collinear twist-3 framework. In lightcone gauge we use the same techniques that were employed in computing the analogous piece in ppπXp^\uparrow p\to \pi\,X, which has become an important part to that reaction. With this in mind, we also verify the gauge invariance of the formulas for the transverse SSA in the leptoproduction of pions.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, reference added, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

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