An explicit surjection from a set of (locally defined) unconstrained
holomorphic functions on a certain submanifold of (Sp_1(C) \times C^{4n}) onto
the set HK_{p,q} of local isometry classes of real analytic
pseudo-hyperk\"ahler metrics of signature (4p,4q) in dimension 4n is
constructed. The holomorphic functions, called prepotentials, are analogues of
K\"ahler potentials for K\"ahler metrics and provide a complete
parameterisation of HK_{p,q}. In particular, there exists a bijection between
HK_{p,q} and the set of equivalence classes of prepotentials. This affords the
explicit construction of pseudo-hyperk\"ahler metrics from specified
prepotentials. The construction generalises one due to Galperin, Ivanov,
Ogievetsky and Sokatchev. Their work is given a coordinate-free formulation and
complete, self-contained proofs are provided. An appendix provides a vital tool
for this construction: a reformulation of real analytic G-structures in terms
of holomorphic frame fields on complex manifolds.Comment: 53 pages; v2: minor amendments to Def.4.1 and Theorem 4.5; a
paragraph inserted in the proof of the latter; V3: minor changes; V4: minor
changes/ typos corrected for journal versio