
Twist-3 fragmentation functions in a spectator model with gluon rescattering


We study the twist-3 fragmentation functions HH and H~\tilde{H}, by applying a spectator model. In the calculation we consider the effect of the gluon rescattering at one loop level. We find that in this case the hard-vertex diagram, which gives zero contribution to the Collins function, does contribute to the fragmentation function HH. The calculation shows that the twist-3 T-odd fragmentation functions are free of light-cone divergences. The parameters of the model are fitted from the known parametrization of the unpolarized fragmentation D1D_1 and the Collins function H1H_1^\perp. We find our result for the favored fragmentation function is consistent with the recent extraction on HH and H~\tilde{H} from pp data. We also check numerically the equation of motion relation for HH, H~\tilde{H} and find that relation holds fairly well in the spectator model.Comment: typo corrected, version published in PL

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