Let Ω be a smooth bounded domain in Rn,
0\textless{}s\textless{}\infty and 1\le p\textless{}\infty. We prove that
C∞(Ω;S1) is dense in Ws,p(Ω;S1) except when 1\le sp\textless{}2 and n≥2. The main
ingredient is a new approximation method for Ws,p-maps when
s\textless{}1. With 0\textless{}s\textless{}1, 1\le p\textless{}\infty
and sp\textless{}n, Ω a ball, and N a general compact connected
manifold, we prove that C∞(Ω;N) is dense in
Ws,p(Ω;N) if and only if π_[sp](N)=0. This supplements
analogous results obtained by Bethuel when s=1, and by Bousquet, Ponce and
Van Schaftingen when s=2,3,… [General domains Ω have been treated
by Hang and Lin when s=1; our approach allows to extend their result to
s\textless{}1.] The case where s\textgreater{}1, s∈N, is
still open.Comment: To appear in J. Funct. Anal. 49