Generic inhomogeneous integrable XXZ chains with arbitrary spins are studied
by means of the quantum separation of variables (SOV) method. Within this
framework, a complete description of the spectrum (eigenvalues and eigenstates)
of the antiperiodic transfer matrix is derived in terms of discrete systems of
equations involving the inhomogeneity parameters of the model. We show here
that one can reformulate this discrete SOV characterization of the spectrum in
terms of functional T-Q equations of Baxter's type, hence proving the
completeness of the solutions to the associated systems of Bethe-type
equations. More precisely, we consider here two such reformulations. The first
one is given in terms of Q-solutions, in the form of trigonometric polynomials
of a given degree Ns​, of a one-parameter family of T-Q functional equations
with an extra inhomogeneous term. The second one is given in terms of
Q-solutions, again in the form of trigonometric polynomials of degree Ns​ but
with double period, of Baxter's usual (i.e. without extra term) T-Q functional
equation. In both cases, we prove the precise equivalence of the discrete SOV
characterization of the transfer matrix spectrum with the characterization
following from the consideration of the particular class of Q-solutions of the
functional T-Q equation: to each transfer matrix eigenvalue corresponds exactly
one such Q-solution and vice versa, and this Q-solution can be used to
construct the corresponding eigenstate.Comment: 38 page