
Synthetic Mudscapes: Human Interventions in Deltaic Land Building


In order to defend infrastructure, economy, and settlement in Southeast Louisiana, we must construct new land to mitigate increasing risk. Links between urban environments and economic drivers have constrained the dynamic delta landscape for generations, now threatening to undermine the ecological fitness of the entire region. Static methods of measuring, controlling, and valuing land fail in an environment that is constantly in flux; change and indeterminacy are denied by traditional inhabitation. Multiple land building practices reintroduce deltaic fluctuation and strategic deposition of fertile material to form the foundations of a multi-layered defence strategy. Manufactured marshlands reduce exposure to storm surge further inland. Virtual monitoring and communication networks inform design decisions and land use becomes determined by its ecological health. Mudscapes at the threshold of land and water place new value on former wastelands. The social, economic, and ecological evolution of the region are defended by an expanded web of growing land

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