How Gamification Affordances Drive Micro Public Welfare


Nowadays, micro public welfare has become a popular way for citizens to help disadvantaged people and protect our environment. And Internet enterprises have developed gamified MiniApps on their online platforms in order to attract users to perform micro public welfare behaviors. In such gamified MiniApps, users’ perceived gamification affordances the gamified elements offer will satisfy their psychological goals and motivate their micro public welfare behaviors. Based on goal-framing theory, we explore how gamification affordances help users achieve their psychological goals and explain how users’ psychological goals drive them take part in micro public welfare. To test our research questions, we collected 205 questionnaires and used SmartPLS to test the structural equation model we built. Finally, we find out autonomy support and visibility of achievement can realize users’ psychological goals including hedonic goal, gain goal and normative goal respectively, while competition and interaction satisfy their gain goal positively

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