Foundations of a visual tool for brand identity


Brand Identity is of paramount importance for organisations today. Due to the advancement of technology, faster innovation, growing competition and more demanding consumers, managing a brand is becoming more and more complex. Therefore, organisations need a consistent portrayal to create a single, compelling representation of themselves. Entrepreneurs in Startups and SMEs need to have a clear branding strategy: a narrative that defines the company’s vision, inspires employees and others, and remains relevant through changes. This paper aims to present a systematic literature review that uncovers the key concepts of corporate brand identity, in order to lay the foundation for the development of a brand identity ontology. This ontology will be the first step towards the development of a strategic tool that helps entrepreneurs co-design their brand identity, in order to express and communicate a clear and consistent image to all their stakeholders. This paper also adds to the averment of emerging stream of research in Information Systems, that states that the Information Systems discipline, through its tradition in designing artefacts, has a role to play in the design of strategic management tools

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