Inter-Organizational Infastructure in the Australian Travel Sector


Recent advances in technical capabilities have facilitated an increase in the reach and range of the connectivity of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). It is proposed that one resultant opportunity is an enhanced ability to supply a common service to a group of firms that operate at a similar point in the value chain – referred to here as Joint Service Provision (JSP). It is argued that JSP will be most appropriate for the development of inter-organisational infrastructure as a result of organisational, institutional and industry level considerations. One specific issue, for noninfrastructural services, is the potential impact on the relative competitive positions of organisations using such services. A case study of electronic distribution in the Australian travel sector was conducted to determine whether use of JSP was indeed increasing. The study also sought to ascertain whether the implications for the source and location of value within the sector varied depending upon whether the JSP represented the development of inter-organisational infrastructure or not

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