
Fishery, biology and resource characteristics of golden anchovy, Coilia dussumieri (Cuv & Val)


Coilia dussumieri (Cuv & Val) forms an important component of dol net fishery. Maharashtra and Gujarat contribute 10022 t and 14745 t respectively, while West Bengal and Orissa land 4000t and 586 t respectively. The species is a pelagic zooplanktonjeeder, feeding mainly on copepods, ostracods. sergestes and young ones offish. It spawns once in life during April-June. Size at first maturity has been estimated as 162 mm for females and 160 mm for males. The growtli parameters estimated are Loo = 230 mm and K = 1.35. The total mortality coefficient (Z) is 5.468 and MSY 16395 t, whereas the average yield is 8509 t indicating that the fishing is below optimum level and it can sustain increased effort up to 126%

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