Security attacks are hard to understand, often expressed with unfriendly and
limited details, making it difficult for security experts and for security
analysts to create intelligible security specifications. For instance, to
explain Why (attack objective), What (i.e., system assets, goals, etc.), and
How (attack method), adversary achieved his attack goals. We introduce in this
paper a security attack meta-model for our SysML-Sec framework, developed to
improve the threat identification and modeling through the explicit
representation of security concerns with knowledge representation techniques.
Our proposed meta-model enables the specification of these concerns through
ontological concepts which define the semantics of the security artifacts and
introduced using SysML-Sec diagrams. This meta-model also enables representing
the relationships that tie several such concepts together. This representation
is then used for reasoning about the knowledge introduced by system designers
as well as security experts through the graphical environment of the SysML-Sec
framework.Comment: In Proceedings AIDP 2014, arXiv:1410.322