
Higgs Naturalness and Dark Matter Stability by Scale Invariance


Extending the spacetime symmetries of standard model (SM) by scale invariance (SI) may address the Higgs naturalness problem. In this article we attempt to embed accidental dark matter (DM) into SISM, requiring that the symmetry protecting DM stability is accidental due to the model structure rather than imposed by hand. In this framework, if the light SM-like Higgs boson is the pseudo Goldstone boson of SI spontaneously breaking, we can even pine down the model, two-Higgs-doublets plus a real singlet: The singlet is the DM candidate and the extra Higgs doublet triggers electroweak symmetry breaking via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism; Moreover, it dominates DM dynamics. We study spontaneously breaking of SI using the Gillard-Weinberg approach and find that the second doublet should acquire vacuum expectation value near the weak scale. Moreover, its components should acquire masses around 380 GeV except for a light CP-odd Higgs boson. Based on these features, we explore viable ways to achieve the correct relic density of DM, facing stringent constraints from direct detections of DM. For instance, DM annihilates into bbˉb\bar b near the SM-like Higgs boson pole, or into a pair of CP-odd Higgs boson with mass above that pole.Comment: Journal version, with a major revision. Discussions on phenomenologies of scale invariant 2HDM+S are substantially change

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