We study a class of simplified dark matter models in which one dark matter
particle couples with a mediator and a Standard Model fermion. In such models,
collider and direct detection searches probe complimentary regions of parameter
space. For Majorana dark matter, direct detection covers the region near
mediator-dark matter degeneracy, while colliders probe regions with a large
dark matter and mediator mass splitting. For Dirac and complex dark matter,
direct detection is effective for the entire region above the mass threshold,
but colliders provide a strong bound for dark matter lighter than a few GeV. We
also point out that dedicated searches for signatures with two jets or a
mono-jet not coming from initial state radiation, along missing transverse
energy can cover the remaining parameter space for thermal relic dark matter.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures; corrections made on coannihilation parts,
references added; corrections made on Majorana fermion direct detectio