
How big is the minimum of a branching random walk?


Let MnM_n be the minimal position at generation nn, of a real-valued branching random walk in the boundary case. As nn \to \infty, Mn32lognM_n- {3 \over 2} \log n is tight (see [1][9][2]). We establish here a law of iterated logarithm for the upper limits of MnM_n: upon the system's non-extinction, lim sup_n1logloglogn(Mn32logn)=1 \limsup\_{n\to \infty} {1\over \log \log \log n} ( M_n - {3\over2} \log n) = 1 almost surely. We also study the problem of moderate deviations of MnM_n: p(Mn32logn>λ)p(M_n- {3 \over 2} \log n > \lambda) for λ\lambda\to \infty and λ=o(logn)\lambda=o(\log n). This problem is closely related to the small deviations of a class of Mandelbrot's cascades

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