We consider markets consisting of a set of indivisible items, and buyers that
have {\em sharp} multi-unit demand. This means that each buyer i wants a
specific number di of items; a bundle of size less than di has no value,
while a bundle of size greater than di is worth no more than the most valued
di items (valuations being additive). We consider the objective of setting
prices and allocations in order to maximize the total revenue of the market
maker. The pricing problem with sharp multi-unit demand buyers has a number of
properties that the unit-demand model does not possess, and is an important
question in algorithmic pricing. We consider the problem of computing a revenue
maximizing solution for two solution concepts: competitive equilibrium and
envy-free pricing.
For unrestricted valuations, these problems are NP-complete; we focus on a
realistic special case of "correlated values" where each buyer i has a
valuation v_i\qual_j for item j, where vi and \qual_j are positive
quantities associated with buyer i and item j respectively. We present a
polynomial time algorithm to solve the revenue-maximizing competitive
equilibrium problem. For envy-free pricing, if the demand of each buyer is
bounded by a constant, a revenue maximizing solution can be found efficiently;
the general demand case is shown to be NP-hard.Comment: page2