stain Culture Shape Habitat Pathogenicity
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S-1 Figure S-1 A linear relationship between SNR of single bacterial Raman spectra and laser power-time (√� � � � ��). Points are the averages of 20 measurements with standard deviation error bars. S-2 Figure S-2 New system with higher laser power significantly reduced single cell Raman acquisition time. S-3 Figure S-3 PCA scores plot of Raman spectra of E. coli DH5α with 13 C or 15 N incorporation. C, cells with 13 C substitution; N, cells with 15 N substitution; and U, unlabeled cells. S-4 Figure S-4 Single cell Raman spectra of five oral bacterial species (60 mW, 0.5 s exposure time). S-5 Figure S-5 (A) Twenty cells were randomly chosen for SCRS measurement, each took a 0.5 s acquisition time; the total time for scanning of 20 cells was ~12 s. (B) SCRS of 12 C and 13 C cells enabled a clear differentiation of stable isotope labeled cells. S-6 Table S-1 Bacterial strains used in this stud