Effect of aqueous extract of Aloe vera on experimental cutaneous wound healing in rat


This study was undertaken to evaluate the wound healing properties of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) on cutaneous wounds. Forty rats were randomly divided into two equal groups (control and experimental). 1.5 mL of filtered Aloe vera aqueous extract was used on the lesions of the experimental group. Wound contraction was measured planimetrically on day 5, 10, 15 and 20. Twenty rats (10 of each group) were sacrificed on day 10 and then histopathological and biomechanical samplings were done. The remaining animals were sacrificed on day 20. Treated animals showed a non-significant improvement in wound contraction and histopathology on day 10. Wound contraction started showing significant differences between groups from day 15 onwards. The lesions of the treated animals showed a better alignment, fewer inflammatory cells infiltration and significantly improved biomechanical properties on day 20 (P<0.05). These results suggested that application of Aloe vera aqueous extract on open wounds induces significant wound contraction and accelerates healing

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