The goal of this book is to shed light
on the extent to which Nigeria's much improved economic
performance has impacted the labor market, and to develop a
growth strategy that can enhance the employment intensity of
growth. The report consists of six chapters. Chapter one
provides an overview of the book's main findings,
reviews Nigeria's growth performance from 2001 to 2007,
and addresses the question of the sustainability of that
growth performance. Chapter two analyzes the evolution of
the labor market since 1999. The analysis focuses on the
share of the formal and informal sectors in employment, the
trend in incomes in the formal and the informal sectors, and
the unemployment rate. Chapter three addresses the question
of what Nigeria can do to increase the availability of
quality jobs and reduce rising youth unemployment. Chapter
four discusses Nigeria's industrial policy and
investment environment. Chapter five proposes strategies for
skills development; and chapter six analyzes the effects of
restrictive trade policies