
Modeling of the Phase Noise in Space Communication Systems


Our work is focused on the investigation of an influence of an additive thermal noise and a multiplicative phase noise in space communication chains. The most important properties of both noise types are summarized. The main concern of this paper is on the multiplicative phase noise that is especially important in systems with the phase shift keying. The simulation procedure for modeling of a signal degraded by the multiplicative phase noise is described. One starts from the frequency domain, where noise properties are set up. Five basic phase noise types can be included. After a passing to the time domain, the final noisy signal is obtained. To prove the modeling correctness, two ways are used. Firstly, Allan variances are utilized as a time domain processing. Finally, for a comparison, the direct conversion formula from the frequency to the time domain is exploited. Created signal corrupted by the phase noise expresses the harmonic oscillator output signal. A pair of these oscillators, disturbed by different phase noise processes, is installed into a communication channel model and with its help, the simultaneous influence of both oscillators on the useful signal is examined. Results show a good coincidence with theoretical presumptions

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