Hypogeous fungi at tree line in the Australian Alps


The tree line of the continental Australian Alps yielded eighteen species of hypogeous fungi, all probably forming ectomycorrhizae with Eucalyptus niphophila, the tree species characteristic of that habitat. Six of the species were undescribed. These collections represented six families and twelve genera: Boletaceae (with Chamonixia), Gallaceaceae (Gallacea), Hysterangiaceae (Hysterangium), Cortinariaceae (Cortinarius, Dermocybe, Descomyces, Protoglossum, Setchelliogaster), Russulaceae (Cystangium, Gymnomyces, Zelleromyces) and Tricholomataceae (Hydnangium). A key to hypogeous fungi so far found at the Australian Alps tree line is presented

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