This study investigated the influence of public relations (PR) strategies on stakeholder engagement and community participation in sustainable tourism policies in Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research addresses a significant gap in the literature regarding the application of PR strategies to sustainable tourism development, particularly in emerging tourism regions like Tolitoli. These areas, on the cusp of tourism development, face challenges in effectively engaging stakeholders and the community. Employing a qualitative case study approach, we examine how PR strategies affect the implementation of sustainable development policies in the local tourism sector. Through interviews with policymakers and stakeholders, focus groups with community members, and a review of PR materials, we selected 27 participants using purposive sampling, based on their relevance to the subject. Effective PR communication is pivotal for policy acceptance, aligning businesses with sustainability, and informing stakeholders and tourists of sustainable tourism. Community participation is transformative, stressing local involvement in culturally sensitive policies. Challenges include countering digital misinformation and balancing development with conservation efforts. Strategic PR is crucial for shaping positive destination images and educating people about the local culture and sustainability. This research provides guidelines for Tolitoli and similar regions, advocating PR training for sustainable tourism and crisis management with transparent communication. Acknowledging the potential variability in stakeholder perceptions and its focus on Tolitoli, this research’s generalizability is limited. Future research should explore PR strategies in diverse settings to understand their long-term impacts and adapt to evolving stakeholder expectations for sustainable tourism