Ten years is an important period. DiGeSt, the academic journal for gender and diversity studies, was launched ten years ago. The idea of the journal, however, took shape three years earlier the summer of 2011. Until then, the Centre for Gender studies at Ghent University published an annual yearbook, collecting the presentations of researchers mainly working on projects that used gender as their crucial angle. These papers were presented at the Genderforum. This series of symposiums for academics and interested members of the public that had started in the early 1990s began quite low key, with the organisers, for instance, taking care of some sandwiches and coffee for the attendees. Researchers were invited to present their ongoing investigations and were later expected to send in their papers for publication in the Verslagen van het UGent Centrum voor Genderstudies [Reports of the UGhent Centre for Gender Studies]. A publication in the annual became a rite of passage into the world of publications for budding researchers