Visual Speech Recognition for Languages with Limited Labeled Data using Automatic Labels from Whisper


This paper proposes a powerful Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) method for multiple languages, especially for low-resource languages that have a limited number of labeled data. Different from previous methods that tried to improve the VSR performance for the target language by using knowledge learned from other languages, we explore whether we can increase the amount of training data itself for the different languages without human intervention. To this end, we employ a Whisper model which can conduct both language identification and audio-based speech recognition. It serves to filter data of the desired languages and transcribe labels from the unannotated, multilingual audio-visual data pool. By comparing the performances of VSR models trained on automatic labels and the human-annotated labels, we show that we can achieve similar VSR performance to that of human-annotated labels even without utilizing human annotations. Through the automated labeling process, we label large-scale unlabeled multilingual databases, VoxCeleb2 and AVSpeech, producing 1,002 hours of data for four low VSR resource languages, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. With the automatic labels, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance on mTEDx in four languages, significantly surpassing the previous methods. The automatic labels are available online: Accepted at ICASSP 202

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