A pure topological characterization of primitive ideal spaces of separable
nuclear C*-algebras is given. We show that a T0β-space X is a primitive
ideal space of a separable nuclear C*-algebra A if and only if X is
point-complete second countable, and there is a continuous pseudo-open and
pseudo-epimorphic map from a locally compact Polish space P into X.
We use this pseudo-open map to construct a Hilbert bi-module H
over C0β(X) such that X is isomorphic to the primitive ideal space of the
Cuntz--Pimsner algebra OHβ generated by H.
Moreover, our OHβ is KK(X;.,.)-equivalent to C0β(P)
(with the action of X on C0β(P) given be the natural map from
O(X) into O(P), which is isomorphic to the ideal lattice
of C0β(P).
Our construction becomes almost functorial in X if we tensor
OHβ with the Cuntz algebra O2β.Comment: This paper was written in 2005 and is now uploaded to the arXiv on
the recommendation of several colleagues. The second named author passed away
August, 202