Strong policies with sustainable incentives are needed to accelerate the EV
transition. This paper assesses various feebate designs assessing recent policy
evolution in five European countries. While there are key design elements that
should be considered, there is no optimal feebate design. Different policy
objectives could be served by feebates influencing its design and
effectiveness. Using feebates to transition to EVs has emerged a key objective.
With the financial sustainability of EV incentive programs being questioned, a
self financing market mechanism could be the need of the hour solution.
Irrespective of the policy goals, a feebate will impact both the supply side,
i.e., the automotive industry and the consumer side. Globally, feebates can be
used to effect technology leapfrogging while navigating the political economy
of clean transportation policy in different country contexts. This paper
highlights thirteen design elements of an effective feebate policy that can
serve as a foundation for policymakers